December 17th, 2014 Update

I’m still working on the story (I’ll think of a code-name soon enough), but for now I took a break to work on another story I’ve had planned. I don’t plan on making a habit of starting new projects when I get a little tired of one, but I feel confident I can handle writing two stories at once. The only thing that is a bit rough at first is switching from third to first-person (and vice versa), but I think with practice I’ll find the transitions get smoother.

I did catch myself in a bit of an oddity tonight, however. I needed to explain how someone died, and my first action for that was to immediately begin looking up deadly diseases. Then I realized that I had used that far too often anyway, and it would simply be easier to say the person died in a plane crash.

Still, I don’t know why diseases seem to have been my standby. It’s not like I have a lot of personal experience with them.

That’s all for tonight.


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